SmithHitek makes up the afterschool programs, courses and classes available for students ages 5-12 years of age. Our new age afterschool programs allow your student to discover the world we have here on earth, and peak their curiosity of the what lies beyond.
This learning environment encompasses all of the basics and necessities you would discover with your typical after school program, intertwined with the exciting environment focused on space, space exploration, robotics, and other STEM focus topics that peak children's curiosity.
Our curriculum is carefully designed to allow students and children to explore learning from a different angle. Our teachers and staff facilitate interactive activities that keep children entertained and open to the idea of the quest for knowledge.
About SmithHiTek
Explore the SmithHiTek Programs
Our Mission
SmithHiTek Society Corporation (SHSC)'s mission is to become a continuous quality improvement organization that will continuously evaluate the needs of all stakeholders, will be constantly aware of the Organizations strengths and weakness, constantly scanning the environment for growth opportunities, maintaining vigilance against all threats, and constantly investing in internal research and development to remain on the cutting edge of technology.
Our Vision
SmithHiTek Society’s Corporation vision is to become a leader in providing high quality goods, products, and services to meet the needs of Society in a manner that will allow it to be profitable, successful, and to secure a prominent position in both National and International Markets.
Extended Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Are you and your child interested in more focused sessions to help expand their understanding of the STEM related fields?
Join one of our afterschool programs for a more consistent and adventurous course that will rapidly expand your little one's view of Math and the Sciences.